And yes.I is a movie for pre-teens and teens that haven't outgrown family oriented programing. Who wears dresses and jewelery at camp? Both the girls and the guys were over-dressed big time. What got me was they way these kids dressed.in the highest of fashion.very un-camping like attire. These are clean-cut Disney Kids though.and none have thoughts of anything even remotely out of line. Lets' alone.in the woods.in adds up to more than just roasting marshmallows over the campfire. We know who we are suppose to cheer for.the good kids.the ones who have heart and are responsible.with or without adult supervision.which there is very little of most of the time. Of course.two of the three seem to do OK.but one always seems to have issues.that we suppose to find funny.(Kevin.the now-married one.who never gets ANY love interest in any of their shows.).While they do sing and play isn't anything memorable at all.

The well known Jonas Brothers show up.not as themselves.but as camp counselers.who are suppose to teach the younger kids how to be ROCK stars. The heck with having a fun and memorable summer.those kids are there because they ALL plan to be HUGE is if their egos don't get in the way and they can prove they can actually sing, dance and perform. The camp on the other side of the lake apparently has everything amazing going for them.and want to WIN the competition. We are suppose to believe she is THAT upset about everything happening around her. While she can sing fairly well, her acting skills leave much to be desired. They are trying to promote another teen queen with using Demi Lovato in the starring role. It seems that the only thing Disney can do is keep repeating itself over and over.with very little original anything being created.